
Couple Shooting in the „Freihafen“ and the „Schanze“

Sarah and Kiran will have their wedding in the summer time in my hometown Trier. I am delighted to be asked to shoot this wedding. Last week we met to get to know each other for an engagement shooting in Hamburg. An engagement shooting is always a good opportunity if you would like to have some nice pictures of you without the wedding outfits e.g. for the invitations. It is also a good idea if you never did a professional photo shooting before, plus you are able to get to know me better and see how I work.

Wedding at the Hamburg Harbour

Again at last I am coming around to show photos of a wedding. Of a particularly beautiful wedding, as I see it. L.* and T* married in the beautiful marriage-church in Eppendorf (yes, this one, where you as a wedding photographer are assigned a certain seat and are not allowed to move until the end of the marriage ceremony).

But from the beginning: T. accommodated himself and his best man in the Clipper, a very neat hotel, which had been completely unknown to me until this wedding. L. stayed at her home, where I met Eric Warnke, who cared for hair and makeup. Eric is very kind and does a great job, this is why I strongly recommend him :-)

In the church in Eppendorf the usual play: Photographing of the entering and the recessional and in between, sitting in the front left part without moving. This I knew from several previous weddings.

But meanwhile there is a new house rule: A second photographer, who is taking photos from upstairs, is not allowed anymore and I nearly had to beg on my knees to get the permission for my (best) intern (in the world) Luna to take one photo of the entering from above. Let’s see, if one is next year even allowed to take photos of weddings at all in this church. Afterwards I am glad about not paying for advertisement on the church’s bus, which is used to finance the same ;-)

After the ceremony followed a reception in the beautiful garden next to the church. After more and more guests slowly left to get ready for the evening, the bridal couple and me drove to the Speicherstadt to take the official wedding photos. The partying took place very Hamburgisch at the La Vela next to the Fischmarkt. Please enjoy the photos!

*As the question arises frequently: I shorten the names if requested, so that not everyone, who is searching for the bridal couple’s names is directly stumbling upon their wedding photos.


Here is another photo shooting in Hamburg. Once again Speicherstadt and Hafencity and once again I manage to find some new beautiful places, which I had not photographed before. We also found out what the Easter bunny is doing the rest of the year and that you could have a look into some apartments of the Marco-Polo-Towers, when riding the ferris wheel. And these are real people living there…

International Wedding in Hamburg

At the moment the couple lives in Australia. The bride is from Hamburg and they decided that Hamburg is the best place to marry. The getting ready and the reception took place in an awesome location: The Louis C. Jakob. The wedding ceremony was in the „small Michel„, which is actually not that small. After the ceremony we had a nice photo session in the Jenisch-Park. Please enjoy the photos!

This Time Sylt in Rainy Weather

One cannot always be favored by fortune: When I left Hamburg it was raining cats and dogs and upon my arrival on Sylt the weather was not much better. One could could come the conclusion that as a wedding photographer from Hamburg I am very well used to rain but in comparison the weather in Hamburg is quite good.

On Sylt it soon became better, at least the rain nearly ended, so that we could take the portrait photos outside. Both Sandra and Harri were very relaxed during their marriage ceremony. They simply rented a cottage for themselves and their guests. In this cottage everyone spent a lot of time together, insofar nobody was bothered by the weather.

The rainy Sylt revealed a lot of new opportunities for me as a photographer. In certain parts the landscape and the weather reminded of Scotland.

Preparation: Kampen, cottage
Marriage ceremony: Gret Palucca

Engagement Photos in the Snow Flurry

As a wedding photographer I am offering as well photo shootings in order to get to know each other. For this kind of shooting before the wedding there are many names: In the U.S. one calls it engagement shooting and some call it shootings for people in love. The purpose of this photo session is to get simply beautiful pictures which can be used for invitation cards or guestbooks. Some give them away as a present and rejoice others by doing so.

These shootings offer the further advantage of the bridal couple and the weddings photographer getting to know each other, although it does not necessarily require a wedding photographer to take nice pictures for couples.

How does such a shooting take place? Very simple, one arranges to meet and then drives to where it is nice. In this case the winterly harbor was a perfect photo location and we had a lot of fun.