
Arrived in Tokio after a 12 hour flight, you are in a totally different world. People are reserved, but friendly, wearing fancy clothes. First you are flashed by the large size of the city and the amount of people. You do not understand anything and you are not able to read anything either, but thanks to Alper who has been here before, we never got lost. Unfortunately there was not enough time to explore the city because I had a videographer job for a client. However a few hours were left to discover the city and to get many impressions.

Photos have been taken with a the Sony A7RIII, Zeiss Batis 25mm & 86mm, Zeiss 55mm, Voigtländer 15mm and some Canon lenses. In the meanwhile I bought a second A7RIII and my Canon Equipment I exchanged by Sony/Zeiss.


Scotland in the summer

Some photos from our scotland road-wanderlust-movie.

Un gelato al limon – A short trip to Rome

Thinking of Italy, the first thing that pops up in my mind is the song “Un gelato al limon“ by Paolo Contes representing the Italian lifestyle flair in the best way. I visited Rome for attending a wedding photographer event. WAY UP NORTH provides two days of interesting speeches attracting photographers from all over the world. I spent my free time on getting inspired by the beautiful city of Rome. I had met Aileen who allowed me to take pictures of her wedding. This time I also had my polaroid camera with me. It is sad that there will not exist films anymore on the market pretty soon
On the pictures you will also see my colleagues: Marlén Mieth, Luis Barreiro and Daniela Reske.

Bildpoeten Meet and Greet Mallorca 2015

Right now posting you from Mallorca sitting in the morning sun of Can Torna and thinking of the last couple days. Three days of intense and creative exchange with other highly appreciated wedding photographers. This meeting takes place every year in November and is always getting better. Long late night talks, getting to know different perspectives and approaches, revising your own work and taking hints and feedback into consideration helps to identify your position and to improve yourself.
After having filmed most of the time in the last year, I started taking shots with the camera again.
Big thank you to my colleagues Luis, Daniela, Björn & Jessy, Till, Yannic & Susann, Kathrin & Simon, Hanna, Guido, Anne & Björn, Yvonne, Roland, Sergey, Manuel and of course Moni.

This and that….

Caused by increasing requests I was not able to upload posts to this blog frequently in the last couple months. Better said: I was busy and I did not have time to keep you posted. Nevertheless I will show you beautiful weddings, that I could collected on my hard disk in the last couple months, soon. In the meantime I would like to make you aware of two interviews that will make you know me and my work better. You gotta check this out.

On the one hand you will see a detailed interview of WhiteWall, that I can recommend anyways. I really love ordering stuff from them like large Pictures and canvas.

On the other hand you will see an interview divided into four parts with my highly appreciated colleague Patrick Rudolph ( Patrick is a Photoblogger publishing lots of data and ideas regarding photography. His videos I have linked directly through his YouTube channel.

Retrospect 2013 – Look Back in Future

Before start presenting the first weddings of 2014, we want to show you a small retrospect of 2013. Last year we had been at many great places, had come to know wonderful people and were allowed to witness their tears, laughter, joy and expectations. We experienced very private moments that were more important than just a photo, good food, music and dance. We saw in you what is really essential in life, which made our days more special. For that we would like to say thank you!