Romantic Vintage-Bastel-Barn Wedding

Now it is getting beautiful. I know that Anna, the bride, put so so much effort into her wedding preparation. Most of the arrangements were handcrafted and the venue was not a usual one. The venue was an old manor in the middle of nowhere, somewhere close to Krummendeich. Streets were small and by approaching the venue houses were disappearing by the time – the best conditions for a beautiful vintage wedding. So I am including some shots of the decoration for you:

The informal wedding has been conducted by the lovely Anja Kellersmann of Glücksagenten. Some rain drops passed by but luckily they have been replaced by the sun very fast. In the evening the wedding party was celebrating in the big rustic barn including a beer wagon. The civil wedding was at the lakeside Bremervörde Backhaus. For me personally a great party ?