London Couple Photo Shooting

London is awesome! One day on tour with burning feet, breathing the air of the city – a perfect inspiration for my photography. The weather was typical, rain, sun, rain, sun, a dream – especially for a wedding photographer ;-) M. and T. were the right couple for London. We all enjoyed the photo shooting. I shot in two different „styles“ today, this one is the the lovely version, tomorrow I show you the dirty one :-)

Engagement Photos in the Snow Flurry

As a wedding photographer I am offering as well photo shootings in order to get to know each other. For this kind of shooting before the wedding there are many names: In the U.S. one calls it engagement shooting and some call it shootings for people in love. The purpose of this photo session is to get simply beautiful pictures which can be used for invitation cards or guestbooks. Some give them away as a present and rejoice others by doing so.

These shootings offer the further advantage of the bridal couple and the weddings photographer getting to know each other, although it does not necessarily require a wedding photographer to take nice pictures for couples.

How does such a shooting take place? Very simple, one arranges to meet and then drives to where it is nice. In this case the winterly harbor was a perfect photo location and we had a lot of fun.

Engagement Photo Shooting in Luxemburg

A few days I ago had the opportunity to accompany Karlina and André in the evening through Luxemburg. At -4°C we could not bear it so long and ended the shooting with dinner in a nice restaurant in the city. The two of them will marry in August in the Normandy and I was chosen to be the one who to take the wedding photos. I am looking forward to a spectacular wedding reportage.