Novemberwedding in Hamburg
Really, how can one have a wedding in the rainy month of November? The sun goes down early and if one has bad luck the weather is cold and rainy. No blue sky, no sunshine. This description fits on this wedding and again does not at the same time. Stephie und Tymek decided themselves to get married in November and brought sunshine by themselves to this day with a lot of cheerfulness. These two are the best example that it does not come down to external circumstances but to the bridal couple. The story of their wedding already began earlier: This summer they married in Las Vegas at the one and only „Elvis“, who has the license to marry. But the wedding in November was supposed to be a little bit less trashy.
Thanks to the date being so far towards the end of the year, there were no other marriage ceremonies on this day. This was especially fortunately as Tymek had forgotten the rings at the hotel and had to back to get them. The hotel is worth to be mentioned, too, of course: The couple stayed at the Moevenpick Hotel. There, in the tower suite, they spent their wedding night and got ready before the big appearance. This 4 star hotel is located in an old water tower in the Sternschanzenpark and the view from the suite on the city is simply incomparable.
Stephie’s dress somehow reminded me of the music video Novemberrain from Guns N‘ Roses, although the dress in that video is a little bit more 80’s style. Therefore the wedding in November matched again after all. Following the marriage ceremony we went to the Speicherstadt and took the portray photos in the approaching dusk. Very helpful in this situation was my LED-videolight, which I learned to love in the months during winter. My colleague Nils supported me during the shooting.
After that, the party took place in a place called „Altes Zollamt“. It was organized by the people from Nordevent, who did a great job as they always do. Following the outstanding food, DJ Ivo helped to create the right party atmosphere. The wedding cake and the sweet „sins“ were brought by Zuckermonarchie.
Did I forget something? Yes. I would like to know: Would you marry in November and if yes, why?